Working hours: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Muscat, Oman
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm

Membership Regulation

Section I: Introductory Rules

Section I
Introductory Rules

Article (1)

In applying this Regulation, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning assigned thereto unless the context indicates otherwise:

Applicant: A natural person, who applies for registration in the Panel of Arbitrators, Panel of Mediators or in the Experts’ Register.
Arbitrator: A person who is registered in the Panel of Arbitrators.
CEO: CEO of Oman Commercial Arbitration Centre.
Centre/OAC: Oman Commercial Arbitration Centre.
Chairman: Chairman of the board of directors of OAC.
Executive Committee: Headed by the CEO of the Center and the membership of two advisors.
Expert: A person who is registered in the Experts’ Register.
Experts’ Register:
A register containing the names of recognized Experts with their specializations in different branches of professional expertise.
Mediator: A person who is registered in the Panel of Mediators.
Panel of Arbitrators: A panel containing the names of Arbitrators with their different specializations.
Panel of Mediators: A panel containing the names of Mediators with their different specializations.
Registrar: Registrar of OAC.
Regulation: Membership of Arbitrators, Mediators and Experts Regulation.

Roster Committee:
A Committee to be formed by the Centre’s board of directors composed of three members which is concerned with accepting Arbitrators, Mediators and Experts.

Article (2)

The provisions of this Regulation shall be applicable to the Arbitrators, Mediators, and Experts and to new applications to obtain a membership as an Arbitrator, Mediator or Expert.

Section II: Organizational Procedures

Section II
Organizational Procedures

Article (3)

Admission to the OAC Panel of Arbitrators, Panel of Mediators or Experts’ Register is upon an application being made to the Roster Committee, or by invitation from the CEO, after the approval of the Chairman.

Article (4)

An Applicant shall request the registration of his name in the Panel of Arbitrators, Panel of Mediators or in the Experts’ Register by completing the prescribed application form, which shall be accompanied by a personal letter and copies of all the required certificates and documents. An application may also be accompanied with a reference letter, if any.

Article (5)

A registration application shall be submitted to the Registrar, sent to (……………………..), or emailed to (……………………..).

Article (6)

The Roster Committee shall approve acceptance of the registration of Arbitrators, Mediators and Experts’ names within (14) fourteen days from the receipt of the complete documents. An Applicant shall be given notice of such approval and the need to pay the membership fees, or shall be informed that his application is not accepted. OAC reserves the right, in its discretion, to refuse, admit or remove at any time the admission of any person.

Article (7)

The Centre shall issue to the Arbitrator, Mediator or Expert a registration certificate and an identity card showing the type, number, dates of commencement and expiry of its membership, professional specialization and any other details.

Section III: Membership Conditions

Section III
Membership Conditions

Article (8)

An Applicant who files an application for registration in the Panel of Arbitrators shall fulfill the following conditions:

a. Obtain a higher education qualification from a recognized institute.
b. Shall have at least (7) seven years post qualification experience.
c. Completed at least (3) three commercial arbitral awards, or alternatively, as a legal counsel in (5) five previous arbitrations (the Roster Committee may make an exception for candidates with distinguished careers with very extensive experience as judges and legal counsels).
d. Arbitration training successfully completed with a recognized ADR institution (e.g. OAC, CIArb or other).
e. Upholding the OAC Code of Ethics.
f. Enjoys his full civil elegibility.
g. He shall not have been previously convicted for a crime affecting his honor and integrity.
h. He shall not be prohibited from practicing as an Arbitrator according to the applicable laws and regulations.
i. Be aged between (30) thirty and (75) seventy five years (exceptional consideration of those over (75) seventy five years by Roster Committee).

Article (9)

An Applicant who files an application for registration in the Panel of Mediators shall fulfill the following conditions:

a. Obtain a higher education qualification from a recognized institute.
b. Shall have at least )5) five years post qualification experience.
c. Completed at least (5) five commercial mediations as a Mediator. Alternatively, (1) one commercial mediation and counsel in (5) five mediations.
d. Mediation training successfully completed with a recognized ADR institution (e.g. OAC, CIArb or other).
e. Upholding the OAC Code of Ethics.
f. Enjoys his full civil elegibility.
g. He shall not have been previously convicted for a crime affecting his honor and integrity.
h. He shall not be prohibited from practicing as a Mediator according to the applicable laws and regulations.
i. Be aged between (27) twenty seven and (75) seventy five years (exceptional consideration of those over (75) seventy five years by Roster Committee).

Article (10)

An Applicant who applies for registration as a member of the Experts’ Register, in all its branches, shall fulfill the following conditions:

a. Obtain a higher education qualification from a recognized institute consistent with the type of expertise for which he wishes to be registered.
b. Shall have at least (7) seven years post qualification experience.
c. Ideally, complete the OAC ADR Orientation Workshop.
d. Upholding the OAC Code of Ethics.
e. He shall fulfill the requirements of the law for the practice subject to the expertise.
f. He shall not have been previously convicted for a crime affecting his honor or integrity.

Section IV: Fees and Membership Benefits

Section IV
Fees and Membership Benefits

Article (11)

Membership fees for registration in the Panel of Arbitrators, Panel of Mediators or the Experts’ Register shall be as follows:

(100) one hundred Omani Rials. – For (1) one year period:
(400) four hundred Omani Rials. – For (5) five years period:

Article (12)

A fee of (10) ten Omani Rial shall be charged for each letter or replacement membership certificate.

Article (13)

Upon acceptance of the application, a non-refundable membership fee shall be paid by any of the following means:

a. Bank transfer to OAC’s bank account:

Please ensure that you transfer sufficient funds to the account for any bank charges that may be deducted. For bank details, please contact us at +968(……………..).or email (……………………..).

b. Credit card:

Please note that should you chose to pay by credit card, there will be an additional (……..) administrative charge imposed on the membership fees.

Visa and MasterCard bank cards shall only be acceptable, also the authorization form shall be completed and signed on the notes page of the application form.

Article (14)

The Centre shall provide the following benefits and measures to the registered members whenever possible:

a. Possible appointment as an Arbitrator, Mediator or Expert to a dispute, especially where the Executive Committee is empowered to undertake the appointment subject to complying with the order and subject-matter of the dispute.
b. Allowing the parties’ access to the Panel of Arbitrators and Panel of Mediators for selecting their Arbitrator or Mediator.
c. Providing the Arbitral Tribunal with the Experts’ Register upon request.
d. Getting a reduced fee upon participating in the Centre’s events and activities.
e. Priority in presenting working papers at the Centre’s conferences and events.
f. Priority in the publication and printing of legal researches and articles.

Section V: General Provisions

Section V
General Provisions

Article (15)

Membership shall be terminated upon the expiry of its term. An Arbitrator, Mediator or Expert who wishes to renew his membership shall pay the membership fee for the new term.

Article (16)

Membership of an Arbitrator, Mediator or Expert who delays the payment of the membership renewal fee shall be suspended for a period not exceeding (3) three months. Upon payment of the membership renewal, the suspension period shall be deducted from the membership term.

Article (17)

Subject to a resolution of the Board of Directors of OAC, membership of any member on the Panel of Arbitrators, Panel of Mediators or the Experts’ Register may be revoked if it is proved beyond reasonable doubt that he has caused offence to the Centre in public, or is convicted for a crime affecting his honor and integrity, or incorrect information is provided in accordance with membership and its conditions.

Article (18)

A member of the Board of Directors of OAC may be registered in the Panel of Arbitrators, Panel of Mediators or the Experts’ Register so long as he fulfills the required conditions.